Agri-tech product Support

Product information / Support / Fault finding  / Maintenance

See the list below to identify your hardware with support videos and fault finding tips 

This page is new and is working progress


  1. ATS 22 METOS DTU (Data transfer unit) - requires LTE data SIM cards
  2. Micro METOS SOil base with SDI12 - requires NBIoT data SIM cards
  3. METOS LoRath climate loggers (temeprature / humidity) - requires NBIoT data SIM cards
  4. METOS LoRain - rain gauge - requires NBIoT data SIM cards
  5. Pre 2022 METOS LoRath climate loggers (temeprature / humidity) - requries NBIoT data SIM cards
  6. IM526 TR - temperature / humidity sensor c/w 5 meters of cable
  7. IM523 Rain gauge with 5 meters of cable (pictured with drip tray for pH / EC sensors)
  8. EC500pH - pH /EC interface unit with display - for use with pH / EC sensors

Fault finding - METOS Hardware

  1. How To Check Rain Gauge Pessl Instruments Gmb H  
  2. Test Of The Rain Gauge With Ohm Meter Pessl Instruments Gmb H  
  3. How To Check The Sim Card Pessl Instruments Gmb H  
  4. Firmware Update I Metos 3 3 Eco Pessl Instruments Gmb H   
  5. Latest Firmware Fw All Stations Pessl Instruments Gmb H     
  6. Firmware Update Μ Metos Nbio T 29 0409 Pessl Instruments Gmb H  
  7. Maintenance of your pH sensors
  8. Maintenance of your EC sensors
  9. Create Log File From I Metos Station Station Which Is Not Sending With Tera Term Pessl Instruments Gmb H
  10. Led Blinking Code Of I Metos 3 3 And I Metos Eco Station Pessl Instruments Gmb H

For METOS Product Support / Maintenance videos click here                                                                                   

Davis Weather Stations

  1. 6351UK - Vantage Vue wireless Integarated Sensor Suite (ISS)
    1. ISS Maintrenance 6351UK https://support.davisinstrumen...
  2. 6322OV - Wireless Vantage Pro2 ISS
    1. ISS Maintenance 6322OV, 6820OV https://support.davisinstrumen... 
    2. Replacing the ISS transmitter / PCB 6322OV, 6820OV https://support.davisinstrumen...
    3. Replacing the temp / hum sensor ISS 6322OV, 6820OV https://support.davisinstrumen...
  3. 6820OV - Wireless Gro-weather ISS (includes solar radiation, ET)
  4. 6622OV - Vantage Connect Gateway (discontinued)
  5. 6100 - Weatherlink Live Gateway
  6. 6803 - EnviroMonitor Gateway (works with wireless ISS and sensor nodes)
    1. Setting up your EM Gateway https://support.davisinstrumen...
  7. 6805UK - IP Enviromonitor Gateway
  8. 6810 - EnviroMonitor Node
  9. 6351UK - Vantage Vue Console
  10. 6312U - Vantage Pro Console
  11. 6313UK - New Weatherlink Console

For Davis support / maintenance videos click here to view