Precision Irrigation

When, how much, when next? Utilise our technologies and knowledge to ensure you know the answer.

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Tabletop Strawberries June 19

With the costs of irrigation escalating, and ever greater customer demands, don’t be left guessing – it doesn’t work.

Substrate Irrigation Management Solutions

Precision Irrigation - Maximise yield and minimise the use of water and fertiliser

Substrate Irrigation Management

Utilise our Substrate Management System to precisely match your plant's needs 

Soil Cropping Irrigation Management

Data directly to your PC or smartphone.

GPS Mapping / Surveys

Field scouting conducted with Laser precision. Stop Guessing - it can't be done!

Substrate Planning

Proper Planning Prevents Poor Performance

Automated Substrate Drain Station

Automate your drip and drain EC, pH and run-off measurements

Other Services

Call us today on +44 (0)1462 813303 or send us an email to see how we can help your business grow.