Nutrient Mapping

For as little as £2.50 per acre!

Move away from the traditional W pattern sampling (statistically only 33% accurate).


Quad fitted with DGPS is used to create a boundary map and a subsequent sampling plan using a 100 meter grid, equating to one sample per ha being taken. For higher value crops, including fruit, the sampling is often intensified to four samples per ha; thus highlighting nutrient variation in even greater detail.

Samples are taken using RB209 approved cheese core augers by trained soil samplers. Standard analysis consists of Phosphorus, Potassium, Magnesium and pH, with all soil being analysed by an independent UKAS accredited laboratory. The sampling plans are kept on record to enable replication of sampling 3-4 years later.

Nutrient Maps

Colour coded Nutrient Maps are created, clearly highlighting any variation in nutrients. All four elements are portrayed on one sheet of paper, easing quick evaluation. The Nutrient Maps provide enough information to produce variable fertiliser recommendations for four crops in most arable situations

Nutrient maps can be easily imported into Gatekeeper to enable other information such as yield maps to be viewed making data analysis that much easier. Though the standard analysis is P,K,Mg and pH, any element can be analysed upon request, or alternatively a Broad Spectrum analysis package which is becoming more popular.

Fertiliser Recommendations

Fertiliser recommendations are made up by FACTS qualified personnel for each field. The application rates are based on a 25 meter grid and can be used to spread liquid or granular fertiliser. The fertiliser application maps can be created for any controller and are easily transferred to GPS devices for vari-rate spreading.

Download pdf Gps Nutrient Management Soil Sampling Services 

The Benefits

  • Identify and target treat the areas that require fertiliser
  • Apply nothing to nutrient rich areas of the field
  • What you save on the high areas, you can invest in the low nutrient zones
  • Reduce costs and waste